“It isn’t enough to think outside the box. Thinking is passive. Get used to acting outside the box.” Tim Ferriss



I walked past this mobile library in Manly the other day and thought it was a great example of how changing things up can create new results.

It also reminded me of a recent story about a police station that also took themselves to the community by offering ‘Coffee with a Cop’ mornings in the local cafe for Q&A and to get to know each other better.

We often wait for someone to come to us, for something to change or for someone to wake up and see our point of view. If you’re in this situation, you may be waiting for a long time.


“Stop waiting. It hurts.” Jack Delosa


If you can change your perception around what’s going on, you’ll gain new insights into what you can personally do to make the change you desire and therefore stop some of the second guessing that can go on.

Some work I did with a group of merchandisers highlighted this. They had been waiting for their store managers to change their approach, their communication and their behaviour. Up until now they had perceived it to be hostile. They then learnt how to change their own approach, communication and behaviour. It stopped the ping pong game of perceptions and brought the power back to them to make a constructive change in their interactions.

Change needs to start from within. Think about how you can change your approach or delivery in meetings, presentations and interactions so that by going to them, they bring their real selves and viewpoints to you.