The power of suspending your commentary

The power of suspending your commentary

Our conversations tend to be influenced by our thoughts – what we’re thinking and believing about a certain situation or person – and the conclusions we unwittingly draw can be way off the mark. Sports commentators do this all the time – they have us...
The humble egg philosophy

The humble egg philosophy

  On the odd occasion I watch shows like Masterchef, the episodes I remember are the ones that revolve around a theme such as ‘the humble egg,’ where the chefs need to make a hero out of the simple, everyday ingredient. These episodes stand out not only because...
Shortcuts never work

Shortcuts never work

  30,000 feet in the air and 30 minutes out from our expected landing time, this announcement happened: ‘Due to an emergency incident, the airport has been forced to shut down and we are diverting to the south of the country.’  The pilot’s choice of words were so...
Are we asking the right questions?

Are we asking the right questions?

  A question that is often asked by adults of unsuspecting children is the classic, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” This question tends to bug the @#*! out of me, as it took me about 30 years before I knew what I wanted to do, so how on earth are these...