An extraordinary life is about the science of achievement and the art of fulfilment. – Anthony Robbins


Anthony Robbins


I had the opportunity recently to attend Anthony Robbin’s six day event called ‘Date with Destiny.’ Not having seem him in action live before, it was quite an eye opener! Coming from an NLP background, it was fascinating to see how he masters his craft. Six invaluable lessons were:

The power of gratitude

This can change your state in an instant, literally. Going by the motto of trading your ‘Expectations for Appreciation,’ this can change your focus immediately. Spending ten minutes each day on mindfulness and on gratitude over three things in your life can have a long term positive effect on your life.

Choose your story

We tend to live our lives dictated by stories we choose, such as wrongdoings in the past, dissatisfaction in the present or anxiety over the future. These stories are created by us, and we can therefore change our story to be a more positive one. “Life is happening for us, not to us.”

Mental fitness

Through visualisation and incantations, we can create new habits and sustain better results. By writing down at the end of the day what was great, useful or improved, we are more purposeful about out actions and activities. 

Energy is infectious

Anthony Robbins is living proof that the more energy you spend, the more you have. He kept 1500 people up until the early hours of the morning through music and dancing, and demonstrated how important these are in our lives. Wherever and whenever you can, get some tunes going! We’ve started every morning with a dance to a song of my kids’s choice – it’s a great way to get everyone up and laughing, ready for the day.


His use of phrase and stage anchors were incredible, leaving every audience member with catchphrases and gestures that they’ll take with them back to their homes and work. Through repetition, he reinforced key messages and through anchors, made them unforgettable. Why not create a team phrase anchor that you can all draw on at moments to motivate?


Make sure you’re not setting yourself up to fail. Growth and vision keep you going but you need to set up your values so they feed you on the journey. It’s more about who you become on that journey as opposed to hitting those goals. 

Why not put everything you’ve got into everything you do? – Anthony Robbins