You can outdistance that which is running after you, but not what is running inside you

– Rwandan proverb



How often do you listen to your inner drive? Our inner drive is what we truly, deeply value and is what we are about at our core. It is linked to our dreams and vision of where we want to be, but often it’s suppressed, as ironically, it can disrupt our daily life. 

We can sometimes be found to push aside our inner drive until ‘a better time’ or ‘the right time.’

There never will be a better time, or the right time though. That time is now. It’s worth paying attention to what your unconscious mind is telling you – what should you be spending some of your time on that will fulfil you and have you take action towards your dreams or ultimate vision?

It could be anything from personal growth and development, health and fitness, volunteering, family and friends or a change in your career. A clue may be when you find yourself saying, ‘I wish I had time for…’ or ‘if only I could do or be…’ 

The good news is that you only need to spend a fraction of your current time – even just 10% – and that will make a big difference to your sense of purpose and motivation. 


‘Not being good enough’


One reason we don’t always allocate ourselves this time may be that we find excuses to protect ourselves. Anthony Robbins talks about how one of our biggest fears is ‘not being good enough.’ Sometimes it’s easier to ignore those voices, and push that inner drive aside. However this is a band aid approach that just creates at the very least unease and dissatisfaction.

Is it time for you to start consciously feeding your soul? What actions can you start to take to do this? And how can you help the people around you do the same?


If you have a dream, then you have a duty to make it come true.

– Marco Pierre White