“Humanity is our ultimate competitive advantage” – Gaping Void
Happy New Year! How have you decided to kick off your year? What mindset and mood have you been consciously choosing for the start of your 2016?
Many of us would have made a New Year’s resolution, which tend to be about our own self improvement. Going down this route of resolving to create a myriad of new habits and break countless bad ones overnight could be one of the many reasons that they rarely succeed, and consequently be the cause of disappointment or frustration already in just week two of the year.
What about if we make our resolutions more about others and what we can do for them?
This will bring more immediate reward and will not only enrich you with the feel good factor but it can also make a pivotal difference to your family, teams, clients, stakeholders or community.
You could decide to spend daily focused time with your family, commit to a regular coaching session with a team member; you could make more courtesy calls to your clients just to check in on their world, or make a concerted effort to get to know those in your office or building and develop the community that already exists there.
Connection and attention are two gifts you can decide to give others easily and effortlessly.
As a resolution, why not think about how you’re choosing to be with others.
Why not resolve to be more present, connect more and get out of your own head more.
The ripple effect of that will be more far reaching than a two week detox.