“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” Muhammad Ali


During a recent Presentations Skills workshop I ran, we talked about the advantage of transferring the belief we hold about ourselves when we do our normal jobs to when we are delivering a presentation or meeting, which is when we can often be taken over by the opposite, our limiting beliefs.

Why is that when we are tasked with having to present, all of our experience, skill and talent can go out the window, only to be taken over by what can, at times, be crippling self talk?

Why is it that despite what we know we can achieve, sometimes old patterns or beliefs around certain areas such as presenting and how you’re supposed to feel about it can take over?

The ability to harness the self belief we have around our strengths and to transfer it to times when we need it can be the secret ingredient to an elevated level of performance.

Limiting beliefs are what can stand in our way, and are unconscious decisions we make about what we can’t do, (and ironically rarely do we actually know why we made them, or if we do, the reason is so irrelevant to us today. A powerful question you can ask to help rise above any limiting belief you may have is; ‘When did I decide that?’)

As per the late great Muhammad Ali, what affirmations could you start repeating to lead to a belief that will start serving you at times when you need it?