
Helping Your Teams Switch on to Safety

Helping Your Teams Switch on to Safety

A ritual is a certain action or behaviour that someone carries out with the belief that they have a specific purpose or power to influence their performance. They are the little things that you can control, when all around you things are happening that may be outside of your control.

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The ROI of Safety Culture

The ROI of Safety Culture

  Safety means something different to every level within an organisation. It is intricately linked to financial returns, to operational processes and procedures and to creating a safety culture where people will stop hurting themselves while looking out for each...

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How Safe is Your Safety Culture?

How Safe is Your Safety Culture?

How safe is your safety culture? We’re very used to talking about safety in the physical sense, but it’s only relatively recently that there has been more focus on the psychological concept of safety. Even though psychological safety is quite the buzz word these days, if you were to ask your teams or leaders what it means to them, you’ll probably get very different answers

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