by Deborah Keep | May 4, 2017 | communication
A question that is often asked by adults of unsuspecting children is the classic, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” This question tends to bug the @#*! out of me, as it took me about 30 years before I knew what I wanted to do, so how on earth are these...
by Deborah Keep | Apr 25, 2017 | communication
It can be rare for us to analyse our communication while we are literally in the midst of doing it live, and because of this we tend to miss the crucial moments where we can turn a conversation or interaction around, break an unconscious pattern and get a...
by Deborah Keep | Apr 11, 2017 | potential
Allowing people to grow as a leader requires a tremendous amount of conscious effort – effort to be silent at opportune moments, to hold off on offering your well intended suggestions or opinions, to stop yourself jumping in and getting it done faster...
by Deborah Keep | Mar 22, 2017 | team performance
We often have all the right intentions to get the best out of ourselves and others, however to avoid it being a more haphazard than strategic occurrence, it requires the discipline of great habits and consistent action which is not always our strong points as...
by Deborah Keep | Mar 14, 2017 | culture
I was one of the thousands who Simon Sinek inspired last week during the Growth Faculty’s ‘Start With Why’ events. It was too good not to share, so here is a fraction of his gold captured in 7 succinct sentences (paraphrased by yours truly:) Public recognition...